La visione di IBSA Foundation è "Scienza per tutti": rendere la conoscenza accessibile a ognuno, coniugando il sapere scientifico con quello umanistico.
About us
IBSA Foundation for scientific research was established in 2012 in Lugano, Switzerland, building on the Swiss pharmaceutical group IBSA’s commitment to corporate social responsibility. The Foundation promotes “Science for all” by providing accessible information and organising activities designed to combine scientific culture with humanities.

Our Mission
La missione di IBSA Foundation è quella di promuovere una cultura scientifica autorevole attraverso attività di divulgazione, l’adesione a un network scientifico e il sostegno alla ricerca e alla formazione.
outreach projects for science that is accessible for everyone.
the link between culture and health and the synergy between arts and science.
education and training of students and young researchers
Our team
IBSA Foundation has two Boards made up of experts from the arts, academia and science, who contribute to developing projects, partnerships and events.
The Advisory Board comprises prominent figures from the worlds of academia and culture.
The Scientific Board is composed of internationally acclaimed professors.
Both Boards are coordinated by Silvia Misiti, Director of IBSA Foundation. Working alongside her are Jacopo Crespi for Communication and Sara Comodo for Administration and Events.
- Advisory board
- Scientific board

Read the charter

Annual Reports
Discover the foundation's annual reports