
Semir Zeki explores the link between neuroscience and emotions

Written by Editorial IBSA | 2024

Photograph by: Lisa Glauer


On Tuesday, 15 October at 6 p.m., a free event was held in Room 4 at LAC Lugano, featuring a special guest speaker: Semir Zeki, founder of Neuroaesthetics.

During the meeting, organized in collaboration with LAC edu, the City of Lugano Culture Division and Università della Svizzera italiana, Professor Zeki explored the brain mechanisms that are activated during intense emotional experiences, such as love, hate and desire.

The lecture was free of charge and was held in English.

Here is the program of the event communicated by LAC Lugano:
“Neurobiologist Semir Zeki talked about the neural correlates of love, the consequences of deactivating large parts of the cortex at times when we experience feelings of love, the reflection of the concept of unity in love mirrored in brain activation, and many other related issues.”


Semir Zeki: the father of Neuroaesthetics