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Editorial IBSA20194 min read

Let’s Science! Lugano 2019

Let’s Science! the creative science project, designed and promoted by IBSA Foundation as a way of spreading scientific knowledge, dedicated to students and set up in collaboration with DECS – the Department of Education, Culture and Sport of Canton Ticino – reached its third edition this year.

It was a week to informally talk about science open to various disciplines, where comics became the special medium for both communicating with young people and building relations with local residents and the region. Alongside these comic-based science lessons reserved for schools, IBSA Foundation will present the new series of the Let’s Science! books with an exhibition in the Limonaia of Villa Saroli.

The exhibition closed on Saturday, November 16, with Paolo Nespoli and a special event for everyone in the LAC, Lugano Art and Culture.



Villa Saroli, Limonaia


Novembre 11-16, 2019



click here to download the program


Corriere del Ticino

click here to read the article


Press review

Interview with Silvia Misiti

Press review

Interview with Riccardo Colosimo

Press review

Interview with Silvia Misiti


Press review


Press review


Press review



LET’S SCIENCE! – the first 4 books in the series

The new series of books focuses on 10 scientific subjects and is being created by IBSA Foundation with the involvement of secondary school students in Ticino and with the collaboration of DECS (the Department of Education, Culture and Sport). Each book is divided into two parts: in the first part, a scientist tackles a current scientific subject related to the human body, and presents information using clear, yet specialist language. The second part is a comic strip that tells a story based on the subject tackled by the scientist, created by experts from the Scuola Romana dei Fumetti, the eminent school of the most renowned Italian illustrators. The script – and in this lies the originality of the project – is written by students of selected secondary schools in the Canton of Ticino.

  1. E DA OGGI CAMBIO VITA. Mangiare bene… per vivere bene
    Maria Cristina Marini e Lucilla Titta – Scuola Media Massagno
  2. MUOVIAMOCI! I benefici di una vita in movimento
    Francesco Oliva – Scuola Media Lugano 1
  3. CUORE E CERVELLO SI PARLANO… Come i due organi interagiscono
    Giuseppe Vassalli – Scuola Media Tesserete
  4. LE ONDE E NOI. Cosa sappiamo sulle onde elettromagnetiche
    Andrea Danani – Scuola Media Caslano

LET’S SCIENCE! – the exhibition


The exhibition presented the comics taken from the first 4 books in the Let’s Science! series.

This initiative is one of the projects most valued by IBSA Foundation, which by taking communication requirements of the younger generations into consideration, has identified comics as an effective expressive tool for visualizing and expressing complex subjects in a more simple and comprehensible manner.



Villa Saroli, Limonaia


Novembre 11-16, 2019


A SCIENTIST AMONG US – the experiential Lab

The aim was to provide scientific information that are correct and evidence-based, with an engaging and appealing approach towards even the most difficult of topics, using comics as an appropriate medium for meeting this goal. “A scientist among us” was both the title and leitmotif of the week: 8 secondary school classes from Canton Ticino had the opportunity to interact with the scientists that wrote the first 4 books being presented. An experience that helped students and teachers enter the scientific world of a region that sets itself apart for its strong vocation towards research and innovative studies. There are, in fact, many research centers in Ticino, several of which of international renown as well as the soon to be opening new Faculty of biomedical science at USI – Università della Svizzera italiana.

Thanks to Let’s Science! students had the opportunity to take a closer look at science in a different and captivating manner, and at the same time become familiar with the work of doctors and researchers. An opportunity not only to learn, but also to be guided towards future career choices.



“When kids say to me, I want to be an astronaut, what do I have to do? I reply that we have to find something in life that we like. Understand what our passions are. So, I often ask the kids: But why do you want to be an astronaut?” Paolo Nespoli (Papuzzi, 2018).

Paolo Nespoli, guest of the event An astronaut among us told anecdotes and talk about his experiences throughout his career. A unique occasion, open to the general public.

Paolo Nespoli, the famous Italian astronaut, graduated with a degree in aerospace and mechanical engineering. He has a sound military background and holds the Italian record for time spent in space, i.e. 313 days, 2 hours and 36 minutes for the VITA mission.

The event is part of IBSA’s CSR project “giving back to the region and the community”.



LAC Lugano Arte e Cultura, Sala Teatro


Novembre 11-16, 2019









Editorial IBSA

The IBSA Foundation for scientific research promotes authoritative and accessible science education for health protection and supports young students and researchers through Fellowships and many other dedicated events.

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