The contest has involved the lower and upper secondary schools of the national soil, divided in two different categories, inviting the teenagers to reflect on the importance of the scientific research, the spread of correct and precise information, a transparent communication with the network users and the capacity to distinguish and avoid the fake news that find more and more fertile soil to spread out very quickly, especially on the social network.
Each group of students was then invited to build up a story and make a comic strip on the theme of the network hoaxes and the ways to recognize them, thus playing with creativity, writing skills and the artistic talents of each one of them.
The examination committee, made up of IBSA Foundation, Istituto Pasteur Italia, the Roman School of Comics and Carocci publisher, selected eight works, with two co-winners, which won by standing out for the quality of texts and illustrations made by the students.
The winners of the section 1 of the contest, dedicated to the lower secondary schools, the first prize was won by the State Comprehensive School Poggiardo (Lecce), with the comic strip entitled “Storia della fine di una bufala”. The second prize was won by the State Comprehensive School “A. Einsten” of Reggio Emilia, which presented the story “Cose da non credere”. Two schools won the third rank with equal merit: the State Comprehensive School “Ragazzi d’Europa” of Casalnuovo di Napoli, with their work “Smascheriamo…l’inganno”, and the Lower Seondary School G. Bartolena of Livorno, with the comic strip entitled “Il gallolo”.
In the section 2 of the contest, dedicated to the upper secondary schools, the first prize was won by the Artistic High School “F. Russoli” of Pisa e Cascina (Pisa), with the story “B-Virus News – Apocalisse Zombie”. In the second rank, equal merit gained by two different classes of the scientific high school of the Istituto di Istruzione Superiore of Via delle Scienze (Rome), which made comic strips entitled “Vuoi diventare autistico?! Fatti vaccinare!!!” and “Che bufala pluripotente!”. Finally, in the third rank, the Scientific High School “C.Cavalleri” of Parabiago (MI), with the work “Questione di business”.
