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Editorial IBSA2014< 1 min read

EFIC IBSA Foundation Publication Award 2013

On 26 May 2014, the EFIC Award – IBSA Foundation 2013 has been delivered during the annual EFIC Council Meeting, conducted by Prof. Hans Kress (member of the Foundation scientific board). The Executive Board and the Research Committee of the European Pain Federation EFIC have selected the article titled: “Parthenolide inhibits nociception and neurogenic vasodilatation in the trigeminovascular system by targeting the TRPA1 channel” published in Pain in 2013, written by the Italian researcher Serena Materazzi, Ph.D., Department of Health Sciences Clinical Pharmacology and Oncology Unit, Florence University. Doctor Romina Nassini, as a member of Mrs. Materazzi group and participated in the article writing, has picked up the prize. The Foundation reconfirm his cooperation with EFIC for a new edition of the Award in 2015.

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“Parthenolide inhibits nociception and neurogenic vasodilatation in the trigeminovascular system by targeting the TRPA1 channel”
Materazzi S, Benemei S, Fusi C, Gualdani R, De Siena G, Vastani N, Andersson DA, Trevisan G, Moncelli MR, Wei X, Dussor G, Pollastro F, Patacchini R, Appendino G, Geppetti P, Nassini R.


Editorial IBSA

The IBSA Foundation for scientific research promotes authoritative and accessible science education for health protection and supports young students and researchers through Fellowships and many other dedicated events.