
EFIC IBSA Foundation Publication Award 2014

Written by Editorial IBSA | 2014

The 9th Congress of the European Pain Federation  held in Vienna, Austria on 2-5 September 2015 hosted the ceremony of the EFIC- IBSA Foundation Publication Award supporting investigators under 40 years of age who published an original research article on pain in an international journal. The Executive Board and the Research Committee of the European Pain Federation (EFIC) agreed to give the EFIC – IBSA Foundation Publication Award 2014 to the German researcher Eberhardt Mirjam, Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine, Hannover Medical School, for the article “Sodium channel NAV1.7 A1632T mutation causes erythromelalgia due to a shift of fast  inactivation” published in 2014 in The Journal of Biological Chemistry.

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“Sodium channel Nav1.7 A1632T mutation causes erythromelalgia due to a shift of fast inactivation”
Eberhardt M, Nakajima J, Klinger AB, Neacsu C, Hühne K, O’Reilly AO, Kist AM, Lampe AK, Fischer K, Gibson J, Nau C, Winterpacht A, Lampert A.