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Editorial IBSA20252 min read

Guido Tonelli - Art and Science: a history of surprising connections

On Monday 17 February 2025, at 6:30 p.m. at the Sala Teatro of LAC Lugano, took place the event with Guido Tonelli, physicist at CERN in Geneva and professor at the University of Pisa, recognised as one of the pioneers behind the discovery of the Higgs boson.

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Tonelli was the protagonist of the meeting Art and Science: a history of surprising connections, an opportunity to reflect on the relationship between the human being, art, theatre, science and our view of the world.

The event is part of the SciArt SwitzerlAnd project by IBSA Foundation, organised in collaboration with LAC Lugano Arte e Cultura, which promotes dialogue between science and the arts, two intertwined dimensions that help us better understand reality and imagine new perspectives.

The event is also part of the thematic programme LAC Science, Ethics and Art, dedicated to addressing contemporary issues related to human nature, the environment, and the challenges of scientific and technological innovation.


Guido Tonelli

Guido Tonelli Speaker

Graduated in Physics from the University of Pisa, where he was a full professor of General Physics from 1999 to 2021, Tonelli has participated in several experiments in the high-energy sector including the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN in Geneva, for which he was also spokesperson, and which led to the discovery of the Higgs boson. He has received several awards including the Fundamental Physics Prize in 2012, the Enrico Fermi Prize in 2013 and the Medal of Honour of the President of the Republic in 2014. 
He has published, among others, the popular texts: La nascita imperfetta delle cose (The Imperfect birth of things, 2016) and Cercare mondi (Seeking worlds). Esplorazioni avventurose ai confini dell'universo (Adventurous explorations at the edge of the universe, 2017); Genesi. Il grande racconto delle origini (Genesis. The great story of origins, 2019); Tempo. Il sogno di uccidere Chronos (Time. The dream of killing Chronos, 2021); Quando si accesero le stelle. Un grande scienziato ti racconta la nascita dell'universo (When the stars turned on: A great scientist tells the birth of the universe, with S. Rossi and M. Berton, 2022); Materia. La magnifica illusione (Matter. The magnificent illusion, 2023).


What is SciArt SwitzerlAnd?

To foster an engaging dialogue between seemingly distinct yet interconnected fields to promote scientific culture within an international exploration of science and the arts.
SciArt SwitzerlAnd, a project of IBSA Foundation for scientific research in collaboration with LAC Lugano Arte e Cultura and MASI Lugano, Museo d'arte della Svizzera italiana, was born with this objective.
Science and the arts have always coexisted in time and space. Although with different methodologies and purposes, artists and scientists observe the world around them, opening us to new perspectives, interpretations and meanings.
Through a variety of event formats and digital products, SciArt SwitzerlAnd sheds light on artistic creations transformed by interactions with scientists, discoveries, and research institutions. Audiences will encounter captivating initiatives born at the intersection of these dimensions and hear directly from the voices of artists and scientists how such distinct realities influence each other.

The new project fits perfectly within the mission of the Foundation, which since 2012 has been committed to spreading an authoritative scientific culture, sharing principles and knowledge in accessible language, and raising awareness of issues related to science, culture, and individual well-being.



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Editorial IBSA

The IBSA Foundation for scientific research promotes authoritative and accessible science education for health protection and supports young students and researchers through Fellowships and many other dedicated events.