A professional journalist, Paolo has been involved in scientific popularisation for many years, especially in the field of medicine and biology. He is the creator of Sportello Cancro, the site created by corriere.it on oncology in collaboration with the Umberto Veronesi Foundation. He has written for the Science pages of Corriere della Sera and other national newspapers. He is founder and director of PRC-Comunicare la scienza.
Blog Post by Paolo Rossi Castelli
Paolo Rossi Castelli04 Mar 20212 min read
140,000 different types of viruses in our gut
Surprising study published in the journal Cell. Many of these viruses infect gut bacteria.
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Paolo Rossi Castelli25 Feb 20213 min read
Cells are good at using “collective intelligence”
Researchers at the Francis Crick Institute in London have uncovered the way that cells “decide” together how to build new blood vessels.
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Paolo Rossi Castelli18 Feb 20213 min read
Can a virus slow down pancreatic cancer?
British and Chinese researchers have genetically modified the Vaccinia virus, making it capable of infecting and destroying cancer cells.
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Paolo Rossi Castelli11 Feb 20212 min read
Covid – schizophrenia is a high-risk factor
According to a study, people with this disease are three times more likely to die from Covid than the average person
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Paolo Rossi Castelli04 Feb 20213 min read
Breast cancer – androgens to boost therapies
Male hormones, used many years ago and then abandoned (due to their excessive side effects), are now being used once again
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Paolo Rossi Castelli28 Jan 20212 min read
“Heating” chemoteraphy to make it more effective
The chemotherapy of the future could be administered through nanometre particles and heated by magnetic fields.
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Paolo Rossi Castelli21 Jan 20212 min read
Surprise: the Covid pandemic has got rid of the flu
Of the many things brought by Covid-19, there is one that has left researchers baffled: the disappearance of the classic flu, or almost.
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Paolo Rossi Castelli28 Dec 20202 min read
Magnetic bacteria for super-precise anti-cancer treatments
A team from ETH Zurich is studying a new way, with an added element of science fiction, to make anti-cancer drugs reach the right point inside the body of ...
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Paolo Rossi Castelli18 Dec 20202 min read
Intestinal bacteria shapes the immune system | IBSA Foundation
There is a very close link between our immune system and intestinal microbiota (i.e. all the "good" bacteria that live in our intestines)
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Paolo Rossi Castelli11 Dec 20202 min read
Hunting for patients' secrets who resist cancer
We have known for a long time that a small number of cancer patients react in an extraordinarily effective way to treatment. These people, called exceptional ...
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Paolo Rossi Castelli04 Dec 20203 min read
Chapare, a new worrying and dangerous virus in Bolivia
It is called Chapare, and until some time ago it was an unknown virus, but now it is a cause for concern. In particular, experts are trying to figure out where ...
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Paolo Rossi Castelli27 Nov 20202 min read
New health tests resulting from the movement of “cilia”
Not many people know this, but our health and our wellbeing also depend on very thin filaments (much thinner than hair) that literally float along our ...
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Paolo Rossi Castelli20 Nov 20202 min read
Do some forms of psychosis have an autoimmune origin? | IBSA Foundation
Do schizophrenia and other forms of psychosis have an autoimmune component? In other words, are they caused by errors in the immune system that attack nerve ...
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Paolo Rossi Castelli13 Nov 20202 min read
A “technological” patch for heart attack damages | IBSA Foundation
A hyper-technological patch may perhaps help, in the future, to repair hearts damaged by a heart attack. The results achieved on animals by researchers from ...
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Paolo Rossi Castelli06 Nov 20203 min read
“Cultured” meat to reduce the problems of animal farming
Lab-grown meat has made new progress and is starting to resemble “natural” meat more and more. This is confirmed in a study of Tufts University Boston ...
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Paolo Rossi Castelli30 Oct 20203 min read
“CAR” cells also for treating childhood cancers | IBSA Foundation
Using a cutting-edge immunotherapy, called CAR, researchers from the Baylor College of Medicine in Houston have managed to block neuroblastoma
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Paolo Rossi Castelli23 Oct 20202 min read
Covid-19 and air pollution, dangerously intertwined | IBSA Foundation
Air pollution appears to have a very close connection with the seriousness of Covid-19. This is confirmed by a study carried out by...
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Paolo Rossi Castelli16 Oct 20203 min read
An algorithm to correct drugs that are too “masculine” | IBSA Foundation
An algorithm that uses artificial intelligence systems to predict the ways that many drugs currently on the market, can create unexpected problems for women.
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