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Paolo Rossi Castelli

A professional journalist, Paolo has been involved in scientific popularisation for many years, especially in the field of medicine and biology. He is the creator of Sportello Cancro, the site created by on oncology in collaboration with the Umberto Veronesi Foundation. He has written for the Science pages of Corriere della Sera and other national newspapers. He is founder and director of PRC-Comunicare la scienza.

Blog Post by Paolo Rossi Castelli

Paolo Rossi Castelli21 Oct 20191 min read

Tiny electrodes in the brain to fight depression | IBSA Foundation

The most severe forms of depression could be cured in the future with deep brain stimulation.
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Paolo Rossi Castelli14 Oct 20192 min read

Cells repairing damaged tissue post-heart attack in the fluid surrounding the heart

A group of researchers from Calgary University have published a study that could have major repercussions on post-heart attack therapies.
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Paolo Rossi Castelli16 Sep 20192 min read

Sexually-transmitted infections – the first vaccine against chlamydia

Every year around 100 million people worldwide are infected with Chlamydia trachomatis, a sexually-transmitted infection that mainly affects women.
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Paolo Rossi Castelli11 Sep 20192 min read

Anorexia nervosa is not just a mental disorder

Anorexia nervosa has a more complex origin than previously thought: its causes are to be linked to a series of metabolic abnormalities.
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Paolo Rossi Castelli02 Sep 20192 min read

Using music to help to “decipher” proteins

Accordig to a study published in the scientific journal ACS Nano, music may provide an unexpected help in the “deciphering” of proteins.
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Paolo Rossi Castelli26 Jul 20192 min read

Modified bacteria become anti-cancer drugs

Promising new avenues are being explored in the field of cancer research, thanks to the genetic reprogramming of living cells like bacteria.
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Paolo Rossi Castelli19 Jul 20192 min read

HIV eliminated from infected animals for the first time

For the first time the HIV virus, responsible for AIDS, has been completely eliminated from animals that had contracted this disease.
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Paolo Rossi Castelli15 Jul 20192 min read

Better athletic performance thanks to certain bacteria

Behind the success of marathon runners there is also perhaps an unexpected element: particular types of bacteria in the intestine.
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Paolo Rossi Castelli12 Jul 20191 min read

Electronic tattoo for heart monitoring

Bioengineers from the University of Texas have created a device that could considerably facilitate the monitoring of heart patients.
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Paolo Rossi Castelli28 Jun 20192 min read

Energy from sugar and oxygen for artificial muscles | IBSA Foundation

Bioengineers from Sweden have managed to produce artificial muscle tissue that uses oxygen and glucose to extract the energy to contract the fibers and create ...
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Paolo Rossi Castelli26 Jun 20194 min read

Therapies for cancer, new lines of research | IBSA Foundation

Three true giants in cancer research met at the IBSA Foundation Forum "Revolutionary therapies for cancer", which was held in Lugano.
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Paolo Rossi Castelli24 Jun 20191 min read

Mini-brains created in the lab to study new cures

For the first time scientists have managed to grow fragments of human brain tissue in the lab, to be used for studying several types of diseases and related ...
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Paolo Rossi Castelli17 Jun 20192 min read

Are the mutations that trigger autism in junk DNA?

According to the Flatiron Institute’s Center for Computational Biology, the junk DNA could play an important role in the onset of autism.
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Paolo Rossi Castelli14 Jun 20192 min read

Fragments of genetic code to repair the heart

The researchers demonstrated that the introduction of a small piece of genetic material to the heart stimulates the regeneration of the heart tissue.
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Paolo Rossi Castelli10 Jun 20192 min read

“Electrical” dressings effective against bacteria | IBSA Foundation

A weak electric current can accelerate the healing of wounds: there are several patches in the USA named wireless electroceutical dressing, or WED.
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Paolo Rossi Castelli31 May 20191 min read

A marine mollusc from 99 million years ago found in amber

A 99-million years piece of amber was found in the north of Myanmar by researchers from the Chinese Academy of Sciences.
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Paolo Rossi Castelli29 May 20191 min read

Huntington’s disease, the new “anti-sense” drug is working | IBSA Foundation

There is increased hope for sufferers of Huntington disease, thanks to a new drug called HTTRx.
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Paolo Rossi Castelli27 May 20191 min read

A 100% recyclable plastic (really) from California | IBSA Foundation

Tomorrow’s plastic really could be 100% recyclable: a new type of plastic, when dipped into an acidic solution, decomposes to basic elements.
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