A professional journalist, Paolo has been involved in scientific popularisation for many years, especially in the field of medicine and biology. He is the creator of Sportello Cancro, the site created by corriere.it on oncology in collaboration with the Umberto Veronesi Foundation. He has written for the Science pages of Corriere della Sera and other national newspapers. He is founder and director of PRC-Comunicare la scienza.
Blog Post by Paolo Rossi Castelli
Paolo Rossi Castelli09 Nov 20232 min read
An eye implant to treat diabetes
Swedish researchers have created a device, containing pancreas cells, to be inserted between the cornea and iris of the eye.
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Paolo Rossi Castelli02 Nov 20232 min read
3D tissue to repair brain injuries
A sort of biological tissue created through a 3D printer could be able to replace damaged tissue in the laboratory.
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Paolo Rossi Castelli26 Oct 20233 min read
A revolutionary technique for diagnosing cancer has been discovered
An ultraprecise test has been created by an alliance of oncology research institutes, that reveals a protein in blood tumors in diagnoses.
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Paolo Rossi Castelli19 Oct 20232 min read
Gold tattoos on cells to monitor them
Researchers have successfully placed nanometer dots and wires on cells, which in the future will be able to connect to devices that can prevent and treat ...
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Paolo Rossi Castelli13 Oct 20233 min read
A "ChatGPT" to read the inside of the eye
Created an artificial intelligence system capable of diagnosing numerous diseases (hypertension, Parkinson's, and others) by examining the retina.
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Paolo Rossi Castelli05 Oct 20233 min read
Brain activity, even during cardiac arrest
Patients who remained in cardiac arrest for as long as an hour showed signs of brain activity as doctors attempted to resuscitate them.
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Paolo Rossi Castelli28 Sep 20232 min read
“Inverse” vaccine against autoimmune diseases
A particular type of vaccine prompts immune system cells-which mistakenly attack healthy tissues-to forget such reactivity.
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Paolo Rossi Castelli22 Sep 20232 min read
Embryos from Stem Cells, to study the health of the foetus
Researchers have developed a human embryo using only stem cells, this offers new insights into the early stages of embryonic development.
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Paolo Rossi Castelli14 Sep 20233 min read
Xenotransplantation: first a heart and now a kidney
Experiment on a clinically dead man. Implanted the kidney of a genetically modified pig. Rejection did not occur in the first 32 days.
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Paolo Rossi Castelli07 Sep 20232 min read
Deep brain stimulation for stroke rehabilitation
Experimentation on 12 patients with a hemiparesis. Thin electrodes inserted into the cerebellum improved the effects of rehabilitation.
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Paolo Rossi Castelli24 Aug 20232 min read
Urinary tract infections: new discoveries from ETH Zurich
Phages are viruses that can target bacteria and can be used to identify an infection and effectively fight it.
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Paolo Rossi Castelli10 Aug 20233 min read
Diagnosing cancer with a state-of-the-art liquid biopsy
Vietnamese researchers have found a more reliable way to "read" DNA fragments released from cancer cells into the bloodstream.
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Paolo Rossi Castelli03 Aug 20233 min read
A test to detect Alzheimer's 20 years ahead of time
A 25-year study opens up new perspectives for Alzheimer's disease: 32 proteins found in the blood that seem to be able to predict its onset.
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Paolo Rossi Castelli27 Jul 20232 min read
New biological patch helps heart after a heart attack
Marianna Cosentino, winner of the IBSA Foundation Fellowship 2021, has developed a heart patch that can repair heart attack damage.
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Paolo Rossi Castelli20 Jul 20233 min read
Premature infants: the artificial placenta offers new horizons
Spanish researchers have developed a prototype artificial placenta that looks particularly advanced and could help premature babies.
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Paolo Rossi Castelli13 Jul 20233 min read
Here is why the first xenotransplant did not work
Il fallimento di quello che invece era stato definito una svolta: il trapianto su un essere umano di un cuore di maiale geneticamente modificato.
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Paolo Rossi Castelli06 Jul 20232 min read
Organ preservation: a new achievement
Vitrification, a technique for freezing organs for up to 100 days, has been developed.
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Paolo Rossi Castelli29 Jun 20232 min read
Inspired by jellyfish, these are the new “gel” electrodes
Study at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Implantable medical devices of the future may no longer be made of metal, instead, of "gel".
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