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Catterina Seia20 Aug 20244 min read

Singing has a powerful impact on the neuronal development of premature babies

Maternal singing has been revealed to be a powerful means of improving the neuronal development and well-being of premature babies.
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Catterina Seia30 Jul 20245 min read

Dance your anxiety away!

Dancing can do even more than sport to combat anxiety, stress and depression.
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Catterina Seia27 Jun 20244 min read

The power of sound passes into the coma state

Anxiety can be ‘acoustically modulated’ in neuro-intensive care patients: a high-impact interdisciplinary research pathway.
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Catterina Seia29 May 20246 min read

Community resources for the health of everyone

Il concetto di salute comprende anche il benessere mentale e sociale. Dall’OMS alcuni consigli per creare contesti salutogenici e fare comunità.
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Catterina Seia30 Apr 20246 min read

Flourishing through the arts

By cultivating affectivity and positivity and unlocking our potential, we can flourish as individuals and as a society.
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Editorial IBSA04 Apr 20248 min read

Smartphone addiction: the fine line between necessity and obsession among young people

Excessive smartphone use is emerging as a new form of addiction among young people, making digital education increasingly necessary.
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Catterina Seia27 Mar 20247 min read

Children, nature and animals: a guide to fostering empathy and sustainable development

There are several studies that affirm the importance of nature education for girls and boys. How to educate with and about nature?
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Editorial IBSA20 Mar 20245 min read

How to be happy in the age of social media

Wellbeing and social media: a complex duo that merits further analysis. We explore how the digital world affects self-esteem and mental balance in young people.
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Editorial IBSA01 Mar 20247 min read

Healthy ageing and Well-Being: a priority

The concepts of healthy aging have become increasingly relevant in debates about the health and well-being of older people. But what is meant by them?
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Catterina Seia30 Jan 20247 min read

Young people. Creative expression as an antidote to depression

Anxiety and depression disorders are increasingly common in adolescents. Art and literature can play a major role in reducing and preventing these problems
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Catterina Seia11 Dec 20235 min read

The beauty of research opens up a whole world of opportunity. The extended mind.

The intersection between neuroscience, architecture, design and psychology has given rise to an interesting exploration of the extended mind model.
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Catterina Seia28 Nov 20237 min read

The power of reading aloud in the cognitive and emotional development of children

Reading aloud promotes equity and cognitive development. Among teachers, it enhances intellectual growth. Projects in Italy and around the world highlight its ...
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Catterina Seia17 Oct 20237 min read

The new words of Health

Words play a key role in shaping our world. And they’re vital for our health too. That’s why the WHO has compiled a proper glossary of health terms.
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Catterina Seia29 Aug 20237 min read

Motherhood. Relieving postpartum depression with song

Pregnancy is one of the highest periods in a woman's life, however, it is sometimes exhausting, and becomes the cause of postpartum depression.
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Catterina Seia31 Jul 20237 min read

When migration leaves wounds in the psyche

Supporting mental health due to trauma of forced migrants through art and music: a bridge to inclusion and healing.
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Catterina Seia27 Jun 20236 min read

Health and the Arts: Social Innovation from the Center for Arts in Medicine

"Arts in Health Intensive 2023" of the Center for Arts in Medicine was held in Florida in May: an update for professionals on Culture and Health
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Catterina Seia30 May 20236 min read

A growing focus on Culture and Health

It has been 4 years since the WHO report came out highlighting the impact of the arts as a resource for wellbeing and health. What has changed since then?
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Catterina Seia07 Apr 20235 min read

Get inspired. Culture: a driver for health and wellbeing in the EU

A new report from UCL (University College of London) reveals the incredible impact of the arts on health.
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