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Catterina Seia07 Apr 20235 min read

Get inspired. Culture: a driver for health and wellbeing in the EU

A new report from UCL (University College of London) reveals the incredible impact of the arts on health.
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Catterina Seia29 Mar 20235 min read

Patients or people? Seven steps towards a paradigm shift.

The first step in this direction was taken by the Global Social Prescribing Alliance, created by the joint vision of 193 global leaders.
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Catterina Seia28 Feb 20232 min read

Voices of Culture: The contribution of arts sectors to young people’s mental health

The EU Youth Strategy 2019-2027 has dedicated the fifth of its 11 aims to mental health and wellbeing.
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Catterina Seia14 Feb 20235 min read

Music comes to care homes for the elderly and the musicians feel better.

Interview with Paolo Paloantonio, winner of the Culture and Health call for case studies with the research paper 'Art for ages. Music in the community'.
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Editorial IBSA06 Feb 20233 min read

Parole Fertili, an increasingly international project

The Parole Fertili (Fertile Words) project continues to evolve thanks to a collaboration with IBSA Foundation and a new story-sharing site.
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Catterina Seia27 Dec 20223 min read

CultureForHealth: 8 major social challenges that art and culture can overcome

The first report of CultureForHealth (C4H), preparatory action for integrated culture and health policies, has been presented to the European Commission.
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Catterina Seia29 Nov 20225 min read

What if growing old wasn’t boring. 20 suggestions for care homes.

Art and participation in the arts play a major role in fighting cognitive decline and promoting the well-being of older people in particular.
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Catterina Seia25 Oct 20224 min read

Historic hospitals, resources for the future

There are several historical hospitals in Europe, care centres in which art has always played a vital role; they have an essential social-cultural value.
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Catterina Seia27 Sep 20225 min read

Narrative medicine: from theory to clinical practice

Narrative medicine is becoming increasingly relevant among researchers and clinicians. Several projects and associations are offering new perspectives.
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Catterina Seia30 Aug 20225 min read

Born in Music

Various international studies show the beneficial effects of listening to music during pregnancy for both mother and foetus.
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Catterina Seia26 Jul 20226 min read

How to fight anxiety without drugs with 'social prescribing'

An increasing number of countries are fast-tracking policies to offer practical and emotional support to people through cultural participation.
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Catterina Seia22 Jun 20224 min read

Nature and well-being: immersing yourself in a wealth of greenery to regenerate

Sensory interaction with nature and observing greenery in parks and forests is scientifically proven to be effective in alleviating human vulnerabilities.
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Catterina Seia30 May 20224 min read

Want to think about your health? The doctor will see you in a library or museum

Clinics in places of culture such as museums and libraries. This is the initiative of the city of Turin.
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Catterina Seia27 Apr 20223 min read

“The Michelangelo Effect” - Neurorehabilitation through art and virtual reality

Art has an extraordinarily beneficial power. Observing of works of art through virtual reality has led to improved motor skills in stroke patients.
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Catterina Seia29 Mar 20223 min read

Nature, symbols and relation. Public archaeology as a therapeutic practice.

Community archaeology or action archaeology are terms that are entering the lexicon of contemporary archaeology, as a therapeutic practices.
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Catterina Seia22 Feb 20225 min read

Well-being becomes a meaningful horizon for museums

From 31 January to 2 February 2022 the first international summit entitled The Museums, Health & Wellbeing was held, organised by MuseumNext.
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Catterina Seia18 Jan 20226 min read

Hidden Resources

Call for Case Studies – operators and experts of Culture and Health submited projects that are currently being developed and implemented in Switzerland
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Paolo Rossi Castelli22 Dec 20217 min read

The Alliance for a sustainable future involves Art, Music and Architecture.

Primo Forum svizzero “Cultura e Salute – Alleanza per un futuro sostenibile”: due giornate di confronto sull’umanizzazione della cura e dei suoi spazi.
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