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Antonio Musarò

Full Professor of Histology, Embryology and Biotechnology, Neuromuscular Research Group, Tissue Engineering Unit at the Sapienza University of Rome.


Full biography

  • Antonio Musarò graduated in Biology and received his PhD in Biotechnological Sciences. He has worked as Research fellow in Medicine at Harvard University in the laboratory of Nadia Rosenthal (Cardiovascular Research Center, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston).
  • He received an honorary position as Adjunct Associate Professor at the Edith Cowan University, Western Australia, at the School of Biomedical & Sports Science, Faculty of Computing, Health and Science.
  • He is currently Full Professor at the Sapienza University of Rome, Department of Anatomical Sciences, Histology, Legal Medicine and Locomotor Apparatus; Coordinator of the PhD program in Morphogenesis and tissue engineering and Director of II level Master in “Stem cells and genome editing” at Sapienza University of Rome.
  • He has received several prestigious awards, including the “Sapienza Ricerca 2009″ award for the six most promising scientists performing fore-front research within the whole University, the award for Scientific Communication “Foglia di Tabacco”, and La Plejade ANCIS International Award 2014 for Scientific Research.
  • He was Chief of the Interuniversity Institute of Myology. He is Author and Co-Author of more than 120 publications in international journals, focused on different topics in muscle biology and homeostasis. He is the Project Creator and Organizer of the Festa della Scienza, a scientific event that is held annually in Salento (Puglia).
  • He is also involved in several activities related to science communication, such as “I ragazzi di Pasteur”, of which he is the Scientific Coordinator and Author of the first volume of the book series “I ragazzi di Pasteur”, entitled: “Stories of stem cells; from the myth of Prometheus to regenerative medicine” and Co-Author of the volume: “Transformations: how a cell goes crazy”.
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"I appreciate the effort of IBSA foundation for scientific research to support not only the young talented scientist in their initial career but also to promote the scientific culture at different levels, encouraging awareness on issues related to the value of science and to people's health and well-being."
Antonio MusaròFull Professor of Histology, Embryology and Biotechnology, Neuromuscular Research Group, Tissue Engineering Unit at the Sapienza University of Rome