Healing words
University Course Cultura e Salute 2023
Culture and Health 2023 - Healing words
For seven Mondays, from October to December 2023, personalities from the scientific and cultural world and professors from the Faculty of Biomedical Sciences and Faculty of Communication, Culture, Society at USI (USI), coordinated by Prof. Enzo Grossi, have discussed seven aspects that connect the word to medicine and to personal well-being.
It is part of “Healing words”, the third edition of the Culture and Health course promoted by the Faculty of Biomedical Science at USI, with the Cultural Division of the City of Lugano and IBSA Foundation for scientific research, which this year saw an artistic collaboration with LAC (Lugano Art and Culture).
The seven themed lessons, open to all, took place 6–7:30 p.m., Monday 16 October–Monday 11 December, in the Aula Polivalente at Campus Est in Lugano.
They involved students and graduate students from the Faculty of Biomedical Sciences and Faculty of Communication, Culture and Society at USI, as well as anyone else who wanted to attend. Each lesson included an opening keynote speech by an international guest, who introduced the lesson’s theme based on their own experience and skill set. The introduction was followed by a debate involving one or more experts on the theme in the role of discussant.
Full course programme
The 2023 edition of the USI Culture and Health course undoubtedly comes under the field of so-called Medical Humanities, defined by Bernegger and Malacrida as “cultural sciences of medicine”. It can assist health-workers in pursuing the aims of medicine by means of complementary tools, most notable of which is narration in all its forms. Hence the name of the course: Healing words.
Healing words are those used by the patient to describe their story to the carer, known as narrative medicine. They can also be the words of a writer, which can translate into a reading by a parent as support for neurodevelopment in children or as a preventative tool for cognitive decline in old age.
Healing words can also be those of individuals writing about themselves, or expressive writing, or words acted out on a stage in order to share one’s emotions, i.e., drama-therapy. Each of these narrative methods is backed up by large amounts of scientific evidence, confirming their benefits for human health.
Top-level scientists took turns exploring the subject over six sessions, preceded by an introductory lesson on the basic concept underlying the whole discipline of Culture and Health: the unity of mind and body.
The course was accompanied by seven readings on the theme, selected in conjunction with the Sasso Corbaro Foundation, reworked by dramatist Riccardo Favaro and staged by Carmelo Rifici, artistic director at LAC, using the voices of major actors.
16.10.2023 - Lesson 1
Unity of mind and body. How emotions affect our organism
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30.10.2023 - Lesson 2
Reading by parents as a stimulus for neurodevelopment in children
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06.11.2023 - Lesson 3
The value of reading in the prevention of frailty in people with mild cognitive impairment
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13.11.2023 - Lesson 4
Expressive writing: an effective therapy
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27.11.2023 - Lesson 5
Narrative medicine for a new doctor-patient relationship
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04.12.2023 - Lesson 6
Digital Narratives: practices and challenges
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11.12.2023 - Lesson 7
Social and Community Theatre: between ‘facts of thought’ and practices
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Unity of mind and body. How emotions affect our organism
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Enzo Grossi, medical doctor, lecturer and researcher
Giovanni Pedrazzini, full Professor and Dean of the Faculty of Biomedical Sciences at USI (University of Italian Switzerland) and Head of the Cardiology Service at the Cardiocentro Ticino Institute
Roberto Malacrida, EOC Board of Directors, Fondazione Sasso Corbaro for Medical Humanities and chairman of the Clinical Ethics Commission for disability
In this introductory session, Enzo Grossi examines the scientific evidence for the concept of mind and body unity, perhaps the most important in the bio-psycho-social model. It covered the hegemonic role of the mind in somatic physiology, the relationship between stress and many medical-clinical pathologies, and its effects on the immune system. Understanding such phenomena helps clarify the power that the emotions, when stimulated by art, culture and narration, have on our health.
Discussants Giovanni Pedrazzini and Roberto Malacrida add historical and philosophical observations.
From D'Adamo Ada, “Come d’aria”
Read by: Anahì Traversi
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Reading by parents as a stimulus for neurodevelopment in children
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Perri Klass, Professor of Journalism & Pediatrics New York University; National Medical Director Reach Out & Read
Oskar Jenni, Director, Child Development Center and Professor for Developmental Pediatrics at the University of Zurich
Perri Klass explains how promoting literacy in primary pediatric care helps parents in improving exposure to language and in encouraging positive interactions by means of books and reading out loud. The Reach Out and Read model, widespread both globally and in Switzerland, where it is known as Nati per Leggere (Born to Read), is associated with improvements in the home environment and with more positive attitudes.
Discussant Oskar Jenni presents results from the Zurich Longitudinal Studies (ZLS), which monitored individuals from birth to old age to help better understand which factors in childhood can lead to a long and healthy life.
From Elias Canetti, "Il libro contro la morte" and from texts by Jorge Luis Borges, Robert Walser, Hans Saner
Read by: Mariangela Granelli
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The value of reading in the prevention of frailty in people with mild cognitive impairment
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Maurizio Gallucci, Director of the Cognitive Disorders and Dementia of the Azienda ULSS2 Marca Trevigiana
Antonio Malgaroli, Full Professor at the University Vita-Salute San Raffaele and USI
In this session, Maurizio Gallucci presents evidence that reading is an important factor of cerebral protection in hindering the development of dementia. The habit of reading books is limited among elderly people with medium or low levels of education, but it is an important cognitive stimulus, given the ease and low cost of introducing it. The report presents an action programme aimed at assessing the effects of reading in combination with physical exercise in elderly people with mild cognitive impairment.
Discussant Antonio Malgaroli focuses on the physio-pathological basis of the beneficial effect on our brains of reading in terms of neuroplasticity and neurogenesis.
From C. S. Lewis, “Diario di un dolore”
Read by: Camilla Semino Favro
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Expressive writing: an effective therapy
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James Pennebaker, the University of Texas at Austin, Austin. Texas USA
Marta Fadda, Institute of Public Health, Università della Svizzera italiana
It has been shown that expressive writing, a practice consisting in writing down our emotional experiences, benefits our physical and mental health. Based on over 1,400 scientific articles demonstrating its potential, James Pennebaker summarises the key results in various disciplines and shows how the simple act of writing can bring about a transformational change to our lives.
Discussant Marta Fadda talks about how narration in health care both enables patients to give an account of their unique identity, and enables doctors to become their allies, able to witness, protect and enrich their patients’ stories.
From Harold Brodkey, “Questo buio feroce”
Read by: Igor Horvat
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Narrative medicine for a new doctor-patient relationship
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Rita Charon, Medical Humanities and Ethics, Columbia Vagelos College of Physicians & Surgeons, New York, NY, USA
Pietro Majno-Hurst, faculty of Biomedical Sciences, Università della Svizzera italiana (University of Italian Switzerland), Department of Surgery, Ente Ospedaliero Cantonale (Canton Hospital Organisation)
According to Rita Charon, narrative medicine will lead to a radical future for health care with the possibility of establishing authentic connections with patients and their families. Doctors should not just be technicians dealing with people’s illnesses in an impersonal way; they must develop the capacity for deep listening and for making a strong connection with their patients.
Pietro Majno-Hurst, as a discussant, talks about his study “Knowing each other for better care”: in this, patients who were candidates for major surgery were offered the chance to write a brief structured biography about themselves, which had a positive effect on the relationship of trust.
Read by: Fausto Cabra
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Digital Narratives: practices and challenges
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Cristina Cenci, DNM, Digital Narrative Medicine, SIMeN (Italian Society of Narrative Medicine)
Maddalena Fiordelli, Institute of Public Health, Faculty of Biomedical Sciences, Università della Svizzera italiana
Cristina Cenci provides a mapping of both patients’ and professionals’ sharing – using digital tools – of stories, including multimedia stories, which describe their personal experience of prevention, illness and treatment. Four categories of digital narration are presented during the lesson: crowd medicine; storytelling; story sharing interventions; and digital narrative medicine.
Discussant Maddalena Fiordelli explores the skills that those developing digital health technologies must have in order to manage the stories of diverse individuals and the individuality of the people involved.
From “Parole fertili”
Read by: Federica Fracassi
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Theatre as a resource for individual well-being and social cohesion
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Lorenzo Donati, Adjunct professor, Department of Biomedical and Neuromotor Sciences and Research fellow, Department of the Arts, University of Bologna
Mauro Manconi, Head of the Sleep Medicine Unit at Neurocenter of Southern Switzerland Regional Hospital of Lugano and Professor at Università della Svizzera Italiana and at University of Bern
In this session, Lorenzo Donati explains that if we listen to the protagonists of social theatre, including its pioneers, we will find that their capacity for persuasion, an intrinsic part of the theatre, does not replace, but rather supplements other roles such as educators and psychologists. Starting from some definitions, both of artistic and theatrical origin, a map will be drawn up of the characteristics and effects of the theatre in its interactions with the social context.
Mauro Manconi, as a discussant, underlines how this type of care is essential to respond to the emerging social difficulties, especially among vulnerable people.
From Peter Handke, “Infelicità senza desideri”
Read by: Giovanni Crippa
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