Lingua Madre
IBSA Foundation, with the online portal Ticino Scienza, and LAC Lugano Arte e Cultura, through the cultural space LAC edu, embark upon a new collaboration.
"Lingua Madre - capsule per il futuro" is a project that arises from the urgency of the present time. With very innovative content, it covers three macro thematic areas: Body, Language and Rite. Within the vast programme is a cycle of four conferences to address the problem of language from different points of view.
The conferences are organised by LAC edu in collaboration with Ticino Scienza. They will be recorded and broadcasted online from the end of March until the last days of May 2021.
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The boundaries of Babel. Impossible languages, logic and the brain
Online from Saturday 27 March 2021
Prof. Andrea Moro
Professor of General Linguistics at the IUSS University of Pavia
Artificial Intelligence
Humans, we won’t destroy you, The Guardian 2020
Online from Tuesday 20 April 2021
Prof. Luca Maria Gambardella
Pro-Rector for Innovation and Corporate Relations, full professor at the Faculty of Informatics and member of IDSIA, Dalle Molle Institute for Artificial Intelligence USI-SUPSI which he directed from 1995 to 2020.
Mind, language and freedom in the age of cognitive sciences
Online from May 22 2021
Prof. Mario De Caro
Professor of Moral Philosophy at Università Rome Tre.
Language and the beautiful in the world
Online from May 25 2021
Prof. Francesco Morace
Sociologist and writer, Francesco Morace has been working for over thirty years in the sociological and market research field. He is the founder of Future Concept Lab and creator of the Festival della Crescita.