Parole Fertili (Fertile Words)
Parole fertili is a digital storysharing project dedicated to the story of a journey in search of a child.

Parole Fertili, created in 2016, is a publishing project by the Center for Digital Health Humanities.
Throughout the years, hundreds of stories dedicated to the search for a child have been shared on parolefertili.it and a storytelling community has developed on Facebook with thousands of followers.
Parole Fertili allows women, men and couples to freely and openly share their personal stories (anonymously if they wish).
Reproductive problems or infertility are still taboo subjects. It is not easy for women and men to talk about their difficulties, feelings and fears during medically assisted reproduction.
Parole Fertili offers a space for stories that allow people to no longer feel alone, to share their choices, doubts and problems, as well as the expectations of those who are undertaking the same journey. Online interaction offers an anonymous intimacy that makes it easier to express and share experiences of infertility.
Parole Fertili has a Facebook page, a Twitter account and an Instagram account in both Italian and English. These social networks feature stories from the story-sharing platform, as well as news and insights on infertility, fertility prevention and parenting. An interactive community has emerged in recent years, where it is possible to discuss, ask questions and support each other.
Parole Fertili has also included various activities and languages over the years.
An increasingly international project
This project continues to evolve thanks to the collaboration with IBSA Foundation and a brand new story-sharing website.