Book series
Let's Science!
Let’s Science! is a series of 10 books (available in Italian, English, German, and French), published by Carocci Editore and created by IBSA Foundation in collaboration with DECS. Each volume consists of two parts: in the first, a scientist explores a scientific topic related to the human body; in the second, there is a story inspired by the scientist’s topic, written by students and illustrated by professionals from the Scuola Romana dei Fumetti.
The series is available on Amazon in Kindle format.
I ragazzi di Pasteur
The book series “I ragazzi di Pasteur”, published by Carocci Editore, was created through the collaboration between the IBSA Foundation and the Pasteur Italia Institute, and is aimed at secondary school students.
Students are not only the recipients of the initiative but also the true authors. In fact, the first part of the volumes propose a scientific text edited by a teacher expert on the subject, whereas the second part is a comic book on the same theme created by the Roman School of Comics based on a script written by a class of students.
You can download the books by clicking on the images below (text in Italian only).