Digital columns

Digital awareness
IBSA Foundation collaborates on the project Digital awareness with Lugano Living Lab, to promote conscious use of technology, especially among children and young people.
With the help of mentalist Federico Soldati, we reveal the tricks of the digital world.

Women who changed the history of medicine
It is a fact: women are under-represented among Nobel Prize winners. Between 1901 and 2019 out of 923 prize winners only 54 women have won this prize 20 of which in the field of science (physics, chemistry and medicine) and among these, only 12 have been awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine 2 of whom were awarded the prize as spouses.

Contagious stories
IBSA Foundation told the contagious stories of those who, with their grand gestures of solidarity, were able to move mountains and produce beneficial effects such as raising funds for scientific research or improving the condition of patients being treated during the Covid-19 emergency.